This story is from Aesop`s Fables. To talk about how the honesty important is.
Situation: Long time ago, a woodcutter`s axe was fell into a river. He was sad because this axe is the only one he has. He cannot live without it. Suddenly, the God of river appeared and asked him that whether the gold or silver axes belong to him or not. He is honest so the God gave him the two expensive axes. After that, a bad woodcutter also wanted the two axes so he threw his only tool to the river. When the god questioned him that whether the gold axe belongs to him, he soonly answered yes. The God was angry at his cheating and disappeared. Finally, the greedy cutter got nothing at all.
Conflict: The former cutter had refused twice until his own axe appeared. The latter was happy to accept the gold axe without hesitation.
Struggle: The man who won the two perfect axes because of his honesty.
Outcome: Honest woodcutter has three axes and the latter learn a lesson.
Meaning: To be a human being, honesty is most important, or you will lose everything.